Sunday, December 16, 2012

Just Another Day, Until Today!

Life with Estevan continues to be pretty enjoyable and entertaining! He's really come into his own at this point and we've got a pretty good routine going!  He's getting along with the cats even though they don't really like him, but they tolerate him.  He only chases them in the morning, which is his CRAZY ~ WooHoo. . .It's another day time!!!!!  I'm super happy to say NO accidents in the house. . .Thank You Estevan! xo.  So pretty much his days consist of eat, sleep, play, go for walks, try to lick the dirty dishes in the dish washer, snuggle. . .all things dog!!

He recently enjoyed his first sleep over!  He LOVED it!!  More kids for him to play with and get petted by!  He was in heaven!  The kids couldn't get enough of him and in return he snuggled up with them and watched a was so cute!!  

Here is another great tid bit.  Last weekend we had to go to IL for a surprise party.  I knew we were going to be gone at least 6 hours (which is the longest we've ever left him) and wouldn't be able to take him.  So before we left, we took him outside, got him set up in the back hallway (where he stays during the day when I have to leave), put up the baby gate and gave him a brand new bone.  We left and came back approximately 6 1/2 hours later and no accidents, no incidents, no nothing!  He was a perfect angel!  I was so proud of him!  

But today was probably the second most exciting day so far for Estevan.  Today we brought home Donnelly, a/k/a Donnie, for a short term visit!  He's another Fluffy Dog rescue in need of a home, and like Estevan, he is as sweet as can be.  I think I must be the Roy Rogers of dogs. . .
"I've never met a dog that I didn't like."  Anyway, I brought Donnie home, brought Estevan outside to meet him, because I heard that you are suppose to tell your dog another dog is coming home and then let them meet outside, as to not invade on the first dog's space.  So we did that and they were all crazy with each other!  No aggression, no growling, just jumping and wrestling. . .and several hours later. . .it hasn't stopped! lol  They follow each other around, running and jumping and then the next thing you know, they're laying down by each other taking a cat nap!  

So here is my final thought for tonight. . .these rescue dogs are so amazing!  They are so full of love and so happy that you have brought them home!  I couldn't be happier that we decided to become a foster family!  They make you fall in love the first time they come up to you and lick your cheek.  

This is the barrel Estevan likes to sit on when he's outside

Just lookin' cute

Estevan's sleepover buddy

Lookin' for a little sugar!! 

I ruff you! xo

Donnie and Estevan

My Abby and Estevan

Come on. . . just a little closer

Yeah. . .like that!  So cute!

Sweet little Donnie (Donnelly). . .also available for adoption!!

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