Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Getting to Know You!

What a difference a day (or two) makes!  Estevan continues to be his sweet natured self with the added bonus of him starting to feel familiar with his surroundings.  He is already going to the patio door when he has to go out and tinkle and when he comes in, he "sits" so he can get his treat!  It was only two days ago that we started teaching him that!. . .so smart!  I also think he's feeling right at home, as more of his puppy personality is showing!  Getting more playful with his toys (and trying to steal the stuffed animals out of the girls room). 

Estevan and I walked Abby half way to school again today.  I'm not sure who enjoys it more. . . Abby or Estevan!  He stops a lot to sniff, no doubt because almost every family in the neighborhood has a dog. . .so there's a lot to sniff!  

Here are a couple of my favorite things about Estevan; 
* He loves to snuggle!  
* When I walk past him, he literally sticks a paw out as if to stop me.  So when I kneel down to pet him, he gently puts his two front paws on my shoulders (not all jumpy and crazy!) and just wants to put his face by mine and have me scratch his head and ears and then, of course, he wants to lick me!  
* When the doorbell rang this afternoon, he didn't bark!  LOVE that!
* He's smart!
* He keeps trying to be friends with the cats! 
* He has a very calm and easy nature.

As for bedtime, he's won that battle.  He slept with us again last night!  I have to lift him onto the bed (because it's to tall) and last night before Jay could get his jammies on and get into bed, Estevan was on his side of the bed laying up by his pillows!  So I move him to the foot of the bed, go brush my teeth and when I come back. . .you guessed it, he's laying up by pillows!  Nice try little one!

No more doggie tennis balls!

This is Estevan drapped over my leg last night!

Can I wake her up?


Now this is more like it!

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